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R£st of a SouL

29 décembre 2004

..L£av£ m£ alOn£...


I think of you again

you're the worst man i've ever love
i think of you...

Leave me alone ASSHOLe!
i hate you
you love her
i love you
you dispise me
Disappear of my soul!!
higher into the air
Float away

Leave me alone ASSHOLe!
if i kissed you one more time it would help me to stop this FUCKING nigthmare
you're a poison for me
you're the death

Leave me alone

...i can't bear the burden of love...
29 décembre 2004

..[[FucK off MuRd£r£r]]

Screaming in my soul
watch me die another day
watch me die another place
this the price i have to pay for

dear boy..
i'm here dieying.. won't you do anything?
i've had enough of this game
i've had enough of them

i didn't want to know
i didn't want to see him dieying
whatever words i could say
they would watch me die

i can't breath in peace


Now i'm alone with myself
i see you
i feel hopeless

i hear a voice
it came from darkness
hurting my mental health, my soul
there's no way out
there's no choice

you killed me... murderer

29 décembre 2004


..i live through her
..she lives near me..
she makes me breath
she is the only one i want to talk with...

she is an Angel who fell on Earth
she lost her paradise
she The sun, My sun
she rises on my soul

she is my second voice
she gives me joy
she gives me peace
she gives me love

....She is an Angel...
..she is My Angel..


29 décembre 2004

...Toi..Que j'aimaisQui m'a abandonnéJe suis

Que j'aimais
Qui m'a abandonné
Je suis perdue,triste, desesperée,seul,morte à l'interieur

Que quelqu'un vienne calmer mes pleurs..

Que je considere comme ma moitié,ma soeur,ma chair,mon âme
Je ne sais que faire en te voyant te torturer l'âme
Tu ranimes en moi cette flamme,tu es mon espoir de devenir heureuse,d'aimer la vie
Quel est ton secret..j'en oublie mes ennuis

Qui me considere comme ton bonheur, ton amour , ta fleur
Tu souffres de ne pas être à la hauteur
Mais tu reste avec ma rivale, me rendant en pleurs
tu oses me demander " quel est ton malheur?"

Qui m'a fait tourné la tête à cette fameuse fête
Où nous avons decouvert des points communs
Qui ont rejoint nos mains
Je t'ai laissé partir,pour que tu ailles dans les bras d'une autre, dû à mon inconscience
Jamais n'a été aussi grande ma souffrance

Mais aujoud'hui nous jouons au chien et au chat
aujourd'hui je ne sais que faire..Faut-il faire le premier pas?

Il y a des choses sur Terre qui réagissent come les fleurs
l'amour par exemple: il bourgeonne au printemps
il fane en automne

Serait-ce donc pour cela que ça ne va pas avec .."Toi"...??
29 décembre 2004

..¤ Ohö ¤

vouloir tout casser , tout jetter , tout balayé
pour avoir juste un moment avec toi , un sourire , un rire

vouloir tout faire ensemble , tout ça par amitié
comment fais-tu pour aimer ma simplicité?

moi j'aime la tienne mais j'éprouve de la haine envers moi-même
c'est pour cela ke je m'ouvre les veines
et toi les tiennes

nous sommes bien ensemble
nous sommes mal ensemble
pas une pour ratraper l'autre
pas une pour abandoner l'autre
mais besoin l'une de l'autre

un rire , un geste , un regard
une haine , une souffrance , un mal-être
des amours perdus, des problèmes familiaux, un sentiment de solitude

nous sommes entourées mais seules
nous sommes aimées mais on se sent detestées
nous sommes meilleures amies , il me semble
nous sommes donc les même
nous nous connaissons par coeur

serait-ce donc pour cela ke je te porte dans mon coeur comme une soeur?

29 décembre 2004


i don't want you to cry
i don't want you to be sad!

we are linked by a ring, of friendship
but " they" are stupid,
they make you suffer
they make you cry
but i'll make you laugh
but i'll give you joy

you're my bestfriend i don't want you to be like that
i know what you're feeling now because i feel this too
that's why we can't be sad in the same time
who will be able to make us laugh if we're sad together?
that's why i'll forget all my problems and all the bad things i'm doing to myself
and i'll help you
because you're the sister that i have dreamed of
you're my bestfriend
and i don't want you to be sad

no... it isn't working
no....we 'll be strong
no....because we 've seen worse
no....bcause you're my sister

29 décembre 2004


i was happy before that
but problems came
and i was suffering
now i'm dieying
i know it means nothing for you
but it's important for me
i don't know why but i have to do this

you don't know why but i wanna die

everything is so hard
i can't breath
i'm like a flower without sun and water
i need help but nobody hears
that's why i can't forget my childish fears
i let tears fall from my eyes
hopefully you're my sun and you rise

i lost all those i loved
and you stay here, near me
but it's not enough, i know it's hard for you to hear that
but i wanna die
we are bestfriends ,i suppose
i wish it won't be the end
i need help
i love you but i can't tell you
i wish you'll forgive me
when i'll say i wanna kill me

29 décembre 2004


everybody around me is breathing
i'm so suffering, i'm dieying
i'm so alone, and they have many friends
they build their life and i destroy mine

i feel bad, they are happy
my blood isn't running in my veins anymore
i'm tryin' to open my skin and let my blood go out
but it's not working
i'm cheatering when i say " everything is good, i'm happy'

i'm suffering, i'm dieying
i lost all my time
why didn't i kill myself earlier?
i missed those i loved..they died and i wanna be with them
why is the word "breath" hard to pronounce?
i can't share my sadness with the only one who saw through me
i left him because i was scared
i wanna die
it's so hard
i wanna die...

29 décembre 2004

MiSS You

He killed himself
and i left you
i don't knwo why
but i was stupid

I'm dieying
without you
i don't know why
but i am so sad

i miss you so bad
i miss you , it's so sad

I'm killing myself
because i lost him and You
now you live a life without me love her

I'm tryin' to keep myself alive
and i'm playing a role
but i'm not happy
because i lost him and i lost you

i miss you so bad
i miss you , i'm sad

we don't get on well anymore
and it's killing me
you don't wanna hear me
you don't want me to be your friend
you just wanna love her
you hate me
and it kills me slowly

Because i just want to share my sadness with you
i want to cry with you
i want to tell you my problems
but it's not the time and i think it won't never be
because you're learning to hate me and love her
i can't share m y sadness with you because i respect her..

i miss you...

29 décembre 2004


Why everything is so complicated with guys?
i'm lost , i don't know who i am anymore
they leave me , they die for me, and i live for them
but no one loves me , they makes me suffer

is an anyone tryin' to find me?
is an anyone tryin' to love me and save me?
i'm just waiting for that

i'm lost.. i don't know how to do with them
i always do mistakes and make them suffer
Why am i so complicated??

i'm just waiting for love , for a man who will be able to find me , love me
is an anyone tryin' to be able to love me?
i'm just...
i'm just...

i'm just lost....

{ de moi}
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R£st of a SouL